I'm trying to get nodes that have date fields (multiple instances in some cases) and display them sorted ascending by start time for a given date. For illustrative purposes, here are some events and their date field values (start time).
Event A
- 4/2/17 8:00AM
- 4/3/17 2:00PM
Event B
- 4/3/17 11:00AM
- 4/3/17 5:00PM
Event C
- 4/3/17 6:00PM
Event D
- 4/4/17 4:00AM
I'm using EntityFieldQuery to gather the events with dates on 4/3/17 and order them using this code;
->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
->entityCondition('bundle', 'event')
->propertyCondition('status', 1)
->fieldCondition('field_datetime', 'value', array('2017-04-03/T00:00:00', '2017-04-04/T00:00:00'), 'BETWEEN')
->fieldOrderBy('field_datetime', 'value', 'ASC');
I get the nodes ordered like this;
A, B, C
but I want them ordered like this;
B, A, C
I guess the fieldOrderBy method is looking at all the date field values and ordering that way, which includes dates other than my target (4/3/17).
Anyone know how to accomplish this (with EntityFieldQuery or without)?