My environment: UniServerZ XIII (a form of WAMP server), Drupal 8.4.3, Drush 9.x, Windows 10 Pro. Used Composer to install Drupal and also for Drush (as a site install). Windows PATH (for local user) settings include for Composer, MySQL, and Drush (at vendor/drush/drush from the Drupal project root). Bash is running thru MINGW64 (from Git for Windows).
[An aside: for those who find Drush throwing a bootstrap error, even though other Drush commands (such as core-status) work, what solved that one for me was adding MySQL to the Windows PATH.]
So Drush is 90% or more there for me.
What I need is to find is the configuration setting that sets the path/to/drush/script.
I've checked everywhere I can think of -- the config files in my folder and, in the Drupal project, the "vendor/bin" folder and the "vendor/drush/drush" folder and some of the latter's subfolders [why are two folders needed for Drush in a site install?].
When I run "core-status", the relevant line says this:
Drush script : C:/[path to Drupal project root]/vendor/drush/drush/drush
which file does exist, but (I'm guessing) isn't an effective command file in a Windows context.
Because: when I run "entup", the command returns a success code overall, but not before spitting out two error messages saying this:
[error] The command could not be executed successfully (returned: '[path to Drupal project root]/vendor/drush/drush/drush' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch >file., code: 1)
I'm hoping that if I can find that config setting, I'll point the Drush script parameter to either "drush.php" or "dr.bat" instead of the "drush" file and that will fix what I hope is a last set-up problem in Drush on Windows 10. (The "drush" file itself seems to call drush.php.)