I had created a custom module to update order state and payment state. In my controller I used the following code to change the order state of order.

 $order = \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\Order::load($order_id);

 if ($payment_status === 'payment.captured'){
   $order->set('state', 'completed');
 else {
   $order->set('state', 'pending');

How can I now change the payment state of a payment which comes inside that order?

This is the screenshot of my payment. Now the payment state is pending. I want to change it to something else by using code, for example completed.

This is the screenshot of my payment. Now the payment state is pending , I want to change it to something else by using code,for example completed

3 Answers 3


Clive method doesn't work, probably he wanted to write

 $payments = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('commerce_payment')->loadByProperties(['order_id' => $order->id()]);

the other method would be to load it with loadMultiple

$payments = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('commerce_payment')->loadMultipleByOrder($order);

also @Interdruper method works and is slimmer as it first loads ids and not whole payments.


Try this:

use Drupal\commerce_payment\Entity\Payment;

$payments = \Drupal::entityQuery('commerce_payment')
  ->condition('order_id', $order->id())

foreach ($payments as $value) {
  $payment = Payment::load($value);

Load up the payments:

$payments = \Drupal\commerce_order\Payment\Payment::loadByProperties(['order_id' => $order->id()]);

Then loop through and save what you want to:

foreach ($payments as $payment) {
  • The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later. Error: Class 'Drupal\commerce_order\Payment\Payment' not found in Drupal\razorpay\Controller\RazorpayController->hook() (line 36 of modules/custom/razorpay/src/Controller/RazorpayController.php).
    – Rifas Ali
    Commented Aug 8, 2018 at 11:11
  • Above is definitely not working (anymore),
    – Blissful
    Commented Oct 2, 2019 at 9:59

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