I have a view

$view = \Drupal\views\Views::getView($view_id);

How to determine if it has been translated into other available languages and which ones

2 Answers 2


I have been fighting with this lately, and can answer part of the question. If you have the $viewId and $displayId, then the following seems to indicate whether a translation of the view label, title, and/or view menu entry exists in any language (but does not indicate the language):

$viewConfig = \Drupal::configFactory()->get("views.view.$viewId");
$hasTranslation = $viewConfig && ($viewConfig->hasOverrides('label') ||
  $viewConfig->hasOverrides("display.$displayId.display_options.menu.title") ||

Since we need to manually add path aliases for translated views, a set alias does provide an indirect opportunity to see if a translation exists.

You could check with ->lookupBySystemPath($path, $langcode) to see if a view has a path alias for a given language.

// Set route match.
$routeMatch = \Drupal::routeMatch();

// Get route object.
$routeObject = $routeMatch->getRouteObject();

// Check if route object.
if ($routeObject) {

  // Get view id and display id from route.
  $view_id = $routeObject->getDefault('view_id');
  $display_id = $routeObject->getDefault('display_id');

  // Check if view.
  if (!empty($view_id) && !empty($display_id)) {

    // Get current path.
    $currentPath = \Drupal::service('path.current')->getPath();

    // Get path alias repository.
    $pathAliasRepository = \Drupal::service('path_alias.repository');

    // Check if system path has Spanish alias.
    if ($pathAliasRepository->lookupBySystemPath($currentPath, 'es')) {

      // Do stuff...

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