I am using Drush 9 and Drupal 8. When I execute drush site:install
I find that it also modifies the permission of the web/site/default directory to r-xr-x--x, which troubles me delete that directory later. I want that directory to be 740 in my case. So two methods came to my mind. One is to run a custom shell script as post drush si
or to override the default dush si
command. I tried to go through some blogs but I couldn't understand them. Please explain stepwise.
How can I invoke a custom shell script to drush site:install
which will be run just after that command is executed.
How can I override the default site:install
Note: I am using Drupal composer project. So I have a drush folder outside the webroot but I don't know if I can edit some files in that directory and write my custom commands.
drush si
but any command is executed it will modify the permission. Any way to provide my custom permission ?