Is there any way to edit the shipping address on an existing order? I only see the billing address in the edit screen.

  • Needs more info; what's your Drupal version, what modules / how have you configured them power your shipping info? Commented Jan 15, 2019 at 18:52
  • @RyanSzrama Looks like I have just the same issue. On a page like /admin/commerce/orders/[id]/edit - there is a billing address which I can edit, but no shipping address block at all. How can we add it there? Drupal 8.5.6, Commerce 2
    – Viktor S.
    Commented Jan 22, 2019 at 23:10

1 Answer 1


Not sure if that works in all cases, but in mine - I managed to enable shipping form this way:

  1. go to Home >> Administration >> Commerce >> Configuration >> Order types >> Edit [your order type] (/admin/commerce/config/order-types/[order_type]/edit/form-display)
  2. select "Manage form display" there
  3. find "Shipments" line there
  4. switch it to Inline entity form - Complex

And instead of autocomplete for shipments I got form with edit button that allows me to change shipping address for order.

Order display settings screen: Display settings screen

Edit order page shipping block after update:

shipments list on edit order page

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