I am following the code snippet provided here

{# Link to frontpage view. #} <a href="{{ path('view.frontpage.page_1') }}">{{ 'View all content'|t }}</a>

{# Link to user entity/profile page. #} <a href="{{ path('entity.user.canonical', {'user': user.id}) }}">{{ 'View user profile'|t }}</a>

{# Link to node page. #} <a href="{{ path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': node.id}) }}">{{ 'View node page'|t }}</a>


As the function says path($name, $parameters, $options), I want to add a link which has query parameters as shown in below


I tried implementing it as follows

<a href="{{ 
               {'node': node.id}, 
               {'query': [
                 'destination': path('view.blue_search.page_1'),
                 'cookie[blue_referrer]': node.id,
               }}">Find a Distributor</a>

but it gives an error

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.Twig_Error_Syntax: An array element must be followed by a comma. Unexpected token "punctuation" of value ":" ("punctuation" expected with value ","). in Twig_TokenStream->expect() (line 124 of /templates/node/node--product.html.twig). Twig_ExpressionParser->parseArrayExpression() (Line: 205)

  • 1
    Twig doesn't have associative arrays like PHP, you need to pass a hash (replace square brackets with curly ones)
    – Clive
    Commented Apr 5, 2019 at 9:30
  • HI @Clive thanks, <a href="{{ path('blue_general.redirect', {'destination': path('view.blue_search.page_1'), 'cookie[blue_referrer]': node.id, 'cookie[blue_type]': node } ) }}">Find</a> I need to pass '[' but its passing %5 how can I make sure the query params has [ and not '[' ?
    – harshal
    Commented Apr 5, 2019 at 9:39
  • 1
    You don’t want to do that - 100% guaranteed-valid urls don’t contain square brackets (RFC3986), they need to be escaped. The browser and server both know what to do with it so I wouldn’t worry
    – Clive
    Commented Apr 5, 2019 at 9:41
  • Thanks buddy @Clive
    – harshal
    Commented Apr 5, 2019 at 13:51

2 Answers 2


Twig uses hashes where PHP uses associative arrays. So to fix your code just convert the array syntax to a hash literal:

    {'node': node.id}, 
    {'query': {
      'destination': path('view.blue_search.page_1'),
      'cookie[blue_referrer]': node.id,

Here is an example of passing views contextual filter value into path() twig function:

{% set ical_path = path('view.events.ical', {arg_0: 12}) %}

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