I have inherited a site which had no image management. Instead each image field required you to upload an image instead of reuse an existing one. I enabled Media Browser and updated to 8.7. I am also using the following modules [these are the ones I have installed ontop of existing]:
- embed
- entity_embed
- editor_advanced_link
- inline_entity_form
- entity_browser
- media_entity_browser
The problem is every image, either added via an image filed or in CKEditor wysiwyg is now wrapped in a link to the image file:
<a href="/path-to-image/image.ext"><img src="/path-to-image/image.ext"></a>
Twig template: \core\modules\image\templates\image-formatter.html.twig
has the following:
{% if url %}
<a href="{{ url }}">{{ image }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ image }}
{% endif %}
But I cannot see where the URL is set in the CMS admin, or how to stop it creating a link to itself. So far I have just copied the template to my theme and removed the url, but I would like to know how to manage this properly.