I've got two migrations set up, pulling from two separate JSON feeds.
The first is a feed of taxonomy terms with a tid, vid, and name. I'm able to run migration on this fine and generate the relevant terms on my Drupal 8 test build.
The second JSON feed is one of node articles, that includes a taxonomy reference field, with a name value that matches up with the terms migrated in the previous migration described.
When I run the second migration for nodes, the taxonomy reference field is blank.
I've tried both entity_generate and migrate_lookup plugins to no success
plugin: migrate_lookup
migration: migrate_taxonomy_terms_en
source: tid
The JSON file for the taxonomy terms looks like the following:
"name":"Term one",
"name":"Term two",
The JSON feed for the node migration looks like:
{"title":"Page title","field_taxonomy_term":"Term one"}
Does anyone have ideas on what I'm missing?