On Drupal 8, I try to make a facet on a taxonomy term contained in a paragraph entity contained in a content type. Is it possible?

My stack : Druapl 8.9.0 + Search API 8.x-1.17 + Facets 8.x-1.5

In Search API, I have indexed the taxonomy from the paragraph. In database I have a new table with 2 columns entity and taxonomy. It seems OK to link node with paragraph with taxonomy id.

enter image description here

I have created the facet without problem but it does not display on my search page.

Is someone has realized this before? Or maybe a advise to resolve this problem.

1 Answer 1


A solution is to associate the taxonomy directly with the content type (field_ingredient_search_index in the example below) and make a hook to update it automatically.

$nodeTerms = []; // 1,2,3 = terms IDs
$erase = [];
$node->set('field_ingredient_search_index', $erase);
foreach ($node->get('field_liste_ingredients')->referencedEntities() as $enty){
  if($enty->getParagraphType()->id == 'ingredient' && isset($enty->get('field_ingredient')->target_id)) {
      $nodeTerms[] = $enty->get('field_ingredient')->target_id;
$node->set('field_ingredient_search_index', $nodeTerms);

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