I have a facet for a field, the values of which are:
- yes (db: y)
- no (db: n)
- maybe (db: m)
By default, the facet shows all three of these options. However, I only want to show yes or no to the user, and I want to include the value of maybe in both:
- yes (db: y or m)
- no (db: (n or m)
What I have tried
I know I could try to do an OR search with the facet and rewrite my links to search both, but I don't want to give users the option to search just "maybe"; I only want two options, not three.
It would be great if there was a stable version of the Apachesolr Facet Builder for D7. One can dream...
I am using the Facet API Bonus module but this allows me to "Rewrite items" or "Exclude items," not combine three items into two as I described above.
I read this wunderkraut article on extending Facet API but it covers adding sorts, plugins, widgets, dependencies, and the like-- not the facets themselves.
I also looked at this wunderkraut article, which suggests I should use something like hook_facetapi_facet_info_alter()
, but I don't know how to edit the field values to combine them.