My solution:
- Add a relationship for content referenced from the entity reference field.
- Add a contextual filter for the entity reference field, using the content ID from the URL as the value. This includes events that have the location set directly.
- Add a contextual filter for the entity reference field, using the content ID from the URL as the value, using the relationship. This includes events are related to an event that has the location set.
Unfortunately, the contextual filter WHERE group uses AND
by default, so no results are returned, so we have to change the type
in the WHERE clause.
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\query\Sql;
use Drupal\views\ViewExecutable;
* Implements hook_views_query_alter().
function my_module_views_query_alter(ViewExecutable $view, Sql $query) {
if ($view->id() === 'events') {
if ($view->current_display === 'block_2') {
$query->where[0]['type'] = 'OR';
If there are more contextual filters, you have to create a new OR where group with the fields, and remove them from group 0
$group0 = &$query->where[0];
// Create a new OR group.
$group_id = $query->setWhereGroup('OR');
// Copy the conditions to the new where group.
// Remove from group 0