
In twig_tweak module before version 2 (for Drupal 8) I could place the following code in my page twig template and it would work:

{{ drupal_block('exposedformsearch_contentpage_1') }}

This would display put the default site search box.

After upgrading to version 2, this doesn't work anymore and see the following message on the page:

This block is broken or missing. You may be missing content or you might need to enable the original module. 

I tried using the command:

{{ drupal_block('search_form_block') }}

That displays the same error message.

Does anyone know what the the correct call is? I can't seem to find any documentation anywhere as to what the replacement call should be.


1 Answer 1


Ok I have found the solution after playing around for a bit. The correct call now is:

{{ drupal_entity('block', 'exposedformsearch_contentpage_1') }}

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