I have Comments here wherein user can rate a content.
I want to get the average rating per content, how do I efficiently get the average?
I have the following code to get the Average:
$cids = \Drupal::entityQuery('comment')
->condition('entity_id', $variables['row']->nid)
->condition('entity_type', 'node')
->condition('comment_type', 'content_rating')
$comments = [];
$totalRating = 0;
if ($cids) {
foreach ($cids as $cid) {
$comment = Comment::load($cid);
$comments[] = $comment->get('field_rating')->value;
$totRating = array_sum($comments) / count( $comments );
$totalRating = ceil($totRating);
I know this is not efficient because I'm getting ALL the comments and manually computing for the average rating.
How can I get the average rating on a query level?