I don't want my user to click the "Last" label on the views pager, but I can't find a way to remove this "Last" label even I leave the "Last page link text" field empty, I don't want to use the mini pager, so in the full pager, how can we remove the "Last" label/icon ? Thanks
1 Answer
You can override pager.html.twig in your theme, removing the section that adds the 'last' link:
{% if items.last %}
<li class="pager__item pager__item--last">
<a href="{{ items.last.href }}" title="{{ 'Go to last page'|t }}"{{ items.last.attributes|without('href', 'title') }}>
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'Last page'|t }}</span>
<span aria-hidden="true">{{ items.last.text|default('Last »'|t) }}</span>
{% endif %}