I'm trying to configure simple_oauth to use with local Lando install of a Drupal 9 site with decoupled React frontend.
I've tried to manually generate the keys in the terminal:
$ openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
$ openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key
...placing the keys into a sibling directory of /web/ and /vendor/ called /keys/.
It throws these error messages:
"The Public Key file does not exist." "The Private Key file does not exist."
So then I tried pressing the "Generate Keys" button. When prompted for a "Directory for the keys", I input the same path to that /keys/ folder
Despite copying the output of a pwd from terminal directly into the field, it throws this error:
'Directory "/home/myusername/Desktop/react1/keys" is not a valid directory.'
What am I missing here?