I'd like to activate the core JS aggregation but I am having an error in the console when I do it:

Uncaught SyntaxError: invalid property id

The error is triggered from [email protected] which is declared as a custom library component

  version: 1.
    ../../../../../libraries/dompurify/dist/purify.min.js: { }
    assets/js/lib/[email protected]: { }
    assets/js/lib/[email protected]: { }
    assets/js/lib/d3-zoom.v1.min.js: { }
    assets/js/lib/[email protected]: { }
    assets/js/lib/[email protected]: { }
    assets/js/lib/[email protected]: { }
    assets/js/dataviz.utils.js: { }
      assets/css/[email protected]: { }
    - core/drupal
    - core/drupalSettings
    - core/jquery

I have no error when the aggregation is turned off. Everything works as expected.

I checked the dependencies, it looks good.

I am wondering what could cause that error... If anyone has a clue, feel free to share it

1 Answer 1


You should mark already-minified files with minified: true in the options object. If aggregation is problematic for a library, also add preprocess: false.


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