I'm about to start theming a Drupal 7 website for the first time. I've watched Moshe's video, Lia Clark's introduction to theme overrides using context naming, and Franz's talk at Drupalcon Chicago. These are all great, but like everything else in Drupal there must be a thousand different ways to theme now.
What is are the best techniques and practices to theme now in Drupal 7? More specifically, how do I best use hook_page_alter($page)? I'm imagining that after I move all the parts of the page around it will be huge and unwieldy. Are there ways to add a region to a node template?
Here is an example of moving a page region that is populated with the Context module while the block module is disabled completely. It was the first way of doing this that came to my mind. Why someone would want to put a region between the links and comments, I don't know. Still it's cool to be able to put stuff there.
In template.php:
function hook_page_alter(&$page){
$main_content_display = &drupal_static('system_main_content_added', FALSE);
// Need to beat common.inc drupal_render_page() line 5485 to this
if (!$main_content_display) {
$page['content']['system_main'] = drupal_set_page_content();
if ($node = menu_get_object()) {
$region_to_embed = $page['sidebar_first'];
$page['content']['system_main']['nodes'][$node->nid]['#node']->region = $region_to_embed;
And in node.tpl.php:
<?php print render($content['links']); ?>
<?php if ($node->region): ?>
<?php print render($node->region); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php print render($content['comments']); ?>
as function name, then you are using the wrong function name.