I've got a problem on a Drupal 7.14 site when trying to add a new node to only one content type.
I get the following error message in the log:
EntityMalformedException: Missing bundle property on entity of type taxonomy_term. in entity_extract_ids() (line 7389 of /homepages/33/d169792374/htdocs/sites/yourfutureinautomotive.com/includes/common.inc).
I've tried the fixes outlined here as well as removing modules one by one and I'm not getting anywhere.
I've even reverted back to 7.8 to make sure I was on the same version as other people who were having the issue.
I'm open to any ideas or troubleshooting hints.
As per @mojzis suggestion below I used the Devel dpm function. The following was output:
vid: 14 is the problem. There is no vocab with vid of 14. Trying to hunt down a reference to it anywhere but not having much luck.