I'm working on a module that uses soap to fetch data from a webservices. Data are ok, and I'll use theme functions to display them as a list. I should also to split results in pages, like views. Is there a way to add a pager?

1 Answer 1


Use something like

 foreach ($result as $node) 
    $rows[] = array('data' => array("".  $node  ."...

$html = theme('table',array('header' => $header,'rows'=>$rows,'caption' => '','sticky' => FALSE,'empty' => 'No details found...','attributes'=>array('class'=>'table-class'),)); $html.= theme('pager',array('tags' => array(),'quantity'=> 10)); }

  • I try it, but the pager is not created, I've only html from the table
    – arrubiu
    Commented Jul 9, 2012 at 9:14
  • Ok, I've to initialize the pager and it works.
    – arrubiu
    Commented Jul 9, 2012 at 13:42

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