I have a blog in English and Japanese in Drupal 7. I created this blog using a custom content type and Views, not the built-in blog module.
I have an RSS feed (made in Views) for each language. I would like to allow users to subscribe to receive all English-language updates to content type "blog" or all Japanese-language updates to content type "blog." (I anticipate most users will only want one language or the other. If a user really wants both languages, I don't mind making them subscribe twice.)
I looked into using Feedburner on the RSS feeds, but the Feedburner module has not been updated for D7 and I would rather not rely on an external service. (When I tried setting up Feedburner without the module, it told me my RSS feed didn't exist even though the support link allowed me to validate it.)
I also looked at the Simplenews module, but that module apparently requires creating each newsletter post separately. What I want to do is automatically e-mail subscribed users when I post an update to the blog.
I'm sure there are a lot of ways to do this, but there are so many "mail helper"-type modules that I'm at a loss as to where to get started.
To summarize my requirements, I want to:
- Automatically e-mail subscribers when a new blog post in the appropriate language is added.
- Both authenticated and anonymous users should be able to subscribe.
- Subscriptions must require confirmation (legal requirement).
- Compatibility with the MIME Mail module would be a nice bonus.