I have issues migrating my Drupal 7.14 site from Live Server back to local. This might be more sql related, but not sure at this point where the error comes from. Might be specifically Acquia related.
The site is now perfectly running on the live server. I made some new nodes etc and now I wish to work more on the structure. I was trying to migrate it back to my local Acquia server by doing the following:
- creating local safety copy of the current local site (also to preserve the local settings.php file)
- creating safety copy of local sql db
- exporting live sql db, then dropping tables of local db and replacing them with the live one
- replacing local site files with the ones downloaded from live
- updating settings.php from the original local safety copy
What happens is:
- when trying to access local address (mysite:8082) I get 'could not find' error message. this comes from google, so the local drupal site doesn't even get recognized in any way
- i am still able to set up new Drupal installations via Acquia and they run perfectly
- if I replace the sql db of a newly installed site with the one I got from the live site I get the same error
- i can't seem to get the local site running even if I use the safety copy sql + safety copy of the local site
- if I go to a definite url such as 'mysite:8082/index' I get the following: "The requested URL /index was not found on this server."
Where should I look next? What could be in the sql that makes the whole server unrecognisable?Any completely different ways to do this? Thanks!