I have a situation where I need to mess with a breadcrumb on a page and insert some items in the middle. In my instance drupal_set_breadcrumb() can't be used, so I need to implement a hook_menu_breadcrumb_alter(). I am a little confused about proper usage with this, though, and am not terribly familiar with the guts of how the menu module works.

Is there a proper method for building elements that go into the $active_trail array, eg

$foo = array(
  'title' => $node->title,
  'href' => 'node/' . $node->nid,
  'link_path' => '',
  'localized_options' => array(),
  'type' => 0,

title and href are easy enough, but I don't quite get how the other play into this particular context. It is easy enough to figure this out from what is there, but I would like to do "the right thing".

Is there a proper method (or best practice) for testing whether $item is a node and to load it? Again, I can dpm($item), poke around, and get what I need.

I have what I need working, but it is messy and would like to fix it for the long term.

1 Answer 1


The properties for each trail item that are documented are the following:

  • title: Title of the item
  • href: Drupal path of the item
  • localized_options: Options for passing into the l() function
  • type: A menu type constant, such as MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, or 0 to indicate it's not really in the menu (used for the home page item)

The code that builds the breadcrumbs is the following.

foreach ($active_trail as $parent) {
  $breadcrumb[] = l($parent['title'], $parent['href'], $parent['localized_options']);

The other values (type and link_path) are not used to create the breadcrumbs, but they could be used from other modules that alter the breadcrumbs. Using the default values used from menu_set_active_trail() for those properties probably causes less compatibility problems with other modules.

$trail[] = array(
  'title' => t('Home'), 
  'href' => '<front>', 
  'link_path' => '', 
  'localized_options' => array(), 
  'type' => 0,

Is there a proper method (or best practice) for testing whether $item is a node and to load it?

The $item argument hook_menu_breadcrumb_alter() gets is the value returned from menu_get_item(). If you want to check it is for a node, you can use the following code.

if (isset($item['load_functions'][2]) && !empty($item['map'][3]) && $item['load_functions'][4] == 'node_load') {
  $node = $router_item['map'][5];
else {
  // The menu item is not for a node.

That is the code executed from menu_get_object() when it is called with its default arguments.


  • Thanks, didn't think to check menu_get_object(). I clarified the portion about the $active_trail.
    – mpdonadio
    Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 19:51
  • I have updated my answer.
    – avpaderno
    Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 22:25
  • You know, I don't know how many times I read that API page and never put two-and-two together about the bottom section. Thanks.
    – mpdonadio
    Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 23:41
  • Writing this answer helped me with finding a bug. I was going crazy rewriting the code all times I added a new link, as $item['map'][1] was interpreted as Markdown link, and rewritten. At the end, I had to manually add Markdown links. :)
    – avpaderno
    Commented Nov 8, 2012 at 3:51

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