i hope you understood the title of my topic because i have difficulties to express this problem in english.
I would like to change the menu item which is a tab (saved searches) and put it on my menu block.
So i went to the files of the module and found this:
$items['user/%user/saved-searches'] = array(
'title' => 'Saved searches',
'description' => 'View and edit your saved searches.',
'page callback' => 'search_api_saved_searches_user_listing',
'page arguments' => array(1),
'access callback' => 'search_api_saved_search_edit_access',
'access arguments' => array(1),
'weight' => 5,
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'file' => 'search_api_saved_searches.pages.inc',
is a generally a tab, so i tried MENU_NORMAL_ITEM
but it didn't work.
I tried some other thing and removed %user $items['user/saved-searches']
but after that i had many error, i tried to debug them but after many hours i stopped, it was clearly not a good solution to change code directly on a module.
So my question is: Is there a easy way to move a menu item from a tab to a menu block when the path has a wildcard components ? If it's not possible, do you think there is, maybe, a workaround to accomplish what i want to do?