I have an issue which I’m hoping you guys can point me in the direction. I’m currently building a music press/media site in which I want to use “terms” for things like the artists, venues etc. Eventually writers will be able to submit their work via the normal add content route and all the various terms will be created when there filling out the submission form. At the moment I’m using a “Term Reference” field with the “Autocomplete term widget (tagging)” widget to add in the main artist. I have a separate field for the support artists with the Number of Values option set to “unlimited” however I don’t get an option to add another support artist in (like you would if the fields reference was set to text).
So I’m looking for a way to get an option within the node submission form to keep on adding support artists as term references and/or a method of adding term references on the fly so they can be selected via a drop down list whilst the submission form is being filled out (i..e not the term references are add and in place before the form is saved. Any help on this would be mostly appreciated as this has had me stuck for a while now.