I have a gallery attached to node that allowed tagging of single picture. I used Field Collection for that job.

Now I need to display those images in different structure:

Gallery formats

User when creating a node may choose prefered display.

Also same types of displays may be used for display all images from all nodes.

Could someone give me any advice?

1 Answer 1


Hey you can use the Galleria module in D7. Here is a quote about it (from the module's project page):

... allows users to create image galleries using the Galleria jQuery plugin, found on http://galleria.aino.se.

There are several different approaches of using this module to create Galleria image galleries. The most typical and easiest way to do so is to use it as a field formatter for image or media fields. All images uploaded to such a configured field will then be displayed in a Galleria gallery.

You can also use it in conjunction with the References module to build a gallery of image nodes, referenced by a 'Node reference' field; or you can use the Views module to gather a list of images to display in a Galleria.


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