I'm attempting to add a link to flag each term output by hierarchical select in a views template.
Here's the relevant code from hs_taxonomy.module:
function theme_hs_taxonomy_formatter_lineage($variables) {
$output = '';
$lineage = $variables['lineage'];
$separator = theme('hierarchical_select_item_separator');
// Render each item within a lineage.
$items = array();
foreach ($lineage as $level => $item ) {
$line = '<span class="lineage-item lineage-item-level-' . $level . '">';
$line .= drupal_render($item);
$line .= '</span>';
$items[] = $line;
$output .= implode($separator, $items);
return $output;
And here's the output of dpm($item)
Based on the flag module documentation, I tried to add the link like this: $line .= flag_create_link('hobbies', $term->$item['#options']['entity']['tid']);
But that gives this error: Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /mysite/sites/all/modules/contrib/hierarchical_select/modules/hs_taxonomy.module on line 880
How can I get the tid of the term being output?