I have two allowed payment methods, Paypal and Credit card. When a user checks out Pay Pal is selected by default and is shown on top. How do I change the order of these with the credit card option on div on top and make the radio button for credit card, the option selected by default?

  • 1
    Can you not rearrange the preferred payment methods by going to /admin/store/settings/payment/edit/methods ? (d6)
    – Jukebox
    Commented Feb 11, 2013 at 23:10

1 Answer 1


Probably with hook_form_alter. Change the #weight attribute so credit card lighter than paypal. Set the #default value to credit cards for the radio values.

I haven't used these modules nor have an Ecommerce site live so I cant post example code ...


install Devel and implement hook_form_alter for your module. put dpm($form);dpm($form_id); in your form atler implementation ... and goto the page with the form in question. You will then see the PHP array structure for the form on the screen.

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