Which hook/filter do I need to use to modify the 'add node' page title (This Title)? For example, when viewing "/node/add/" I want to change the title from 'Create ' to 'Add New '
2 Answers
There are a few different ways you could do this, but the way you asked for would utilize hook_form_alter():
function custom_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'mynodetype_node_form') {
drupal_set_title('My new title');
This would be in a custom module named custom.module... drupal_set_title(), when called anywhere in the page load, will set the title appropriately. You're basically hooking into the node form rendering process, and saying 'set the title to what I want' at that point.
If you'd like to further differentiate what the title would be depending on whether the user's creating a new node or editing an existing node, use Devel module's dpm() function to print out the $form_state array, and check to see if there's a node ID already or not—if there is, you are editing a node; if not, you're creating a new node. Set the title appropriately.
While hook_form_alter() would probably be the most robust page (in case someone was viewing the node add form from somewhere other than node/add/[type]), you could also check the path in hook_init() and set the title there, or from a variety of other places (in Drupal 7, hook_page_alter() perhaps).
How can I tell if a form is new, or being edited? For example, if I wanted a new node to say "Add a New node" and if the node is being edited, "Edit This Node" Thank you for the answer above though, it is immensely helpful! Commented Jul 8, 2011 at 0:11
Check if the node has an nid already in the $form array. I forget which value has the nid in it, but it's in there, or the $form_state... if there is an nid, the user's editing the node. If there isn't, the node is a node add form... Commented Jul 10, 2011 at 6:57
I had the same problem and I had to write a module for that.
You can find my contributed my module Node Add Title for Drupal 7
Node Add Title will let you change the title of the node creation pages and the node editing pages.
Hope it can help.