I have searched through all the questions, but I can't seem to find the information, I need. Accept my apology, if this has already been covered.
On a site for a law firm, I have a content type, called "People" (not the same as User) with multiple fields containing information about each individual. I want to display part of a node in a page view, and other parts (such as image, contact details etc) in a block view. The page and the block view has to be related, obviously. I can only find answers on how to relate nodes/files with each other. Not just from a single node.
I cannot get my head around how to filter it, and how to use the contextual filter function. I understand as much, that the context must be with the NID. I just need a 1,2,3 ...
Drupal version 7.22, Views 3
I'll appreciate any help, thanks
- Christian
EDIT: OK, it's solved. And in the end, it wasn't as complicated. Thanks to Rémy, to steer me in the right direction just using normal node (no need for a Page view here)
Here's what I found:
1) No need to fiddle with PHP templates here. Under Content type, just decide which fields, you want to see on your page. Make the others hidden.
2) In Views, create a block view (in this case), under Advanced - Contextual filters, select Content: NID, select Provide default value - Content ID from URL.
The main source of confusion for me was I 'wanted' it to rely on alias in the path. It doesn't. Views isn't checking for that at all, but only for actual node ID - e.g. 108, 109 ...