For example I end up with url's like[0]field_name=%3A21
I want to make a block visible on pages like the above but not when only the view is displayed.
Only the view will looks like this:
So my thought was to set the block visibility setting to be only visible on:*
That didn't work ( block did not show up ) so i tried:*
No success.
There are some options:
1) Creating a block in custom module could be a solution.
1a Setting visibility to 'none' by unsetting the block content and title ( which I have chosen to use for now )
1b Enabling the PHP filter module and adding a block setting visibility restrictions like so:
* Implements hook_block_info().
function mymod_block_info(){
$blocks['mymod_job_agent'] = array(
'info' => t('block description'), //The name that will appear in the block list.
'cache' => DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_ROLE, //Default
'region' => 'sidebar_first', // assign block region
'status' => 1, // enable the block
'visibility' => BLOCK_VISIBILITY_PHP, // set visibility to use the result of pages
'pages' => '<?php return TRUE; ?>',
return $blocks;
Drawback: since hook_block_info is called upon module install only you cant change your code without reinstalling the module. And putting php code in de pages
just doesn't feel right.
So I think we can cross option 1b.
2) Another solution would be to use the Block Conditional Visibility by URI Query Parameters module but I couldn't figure out how to use this for this use case.
Reading the comments this is something that should be done in the theme layer...
Hope this helps anyone searching for a similar question. feel free to edit update my question/answer to improve it!