In my attempt to solve a "variation can update second variation" issue, I am wondering if a Product reference can go inside another Product Reference?

So that the 'Variation' itself has a product reference inline form to another type of variation? ( I have tried and nothing shows up).

The idea is that loading 1 variation will then load the referenced product variations therein and combine the 2 to create the final price.

(This is a case where the 2nd variations price is based on what is selected in the 1st variation.)

  • Are you trying for bundling several product together ?
    – RajeevK
    Commented May 3, 2013 at 6:23
  • no, i dont think so. Im trying a case where there are beds, and bed covers. So the beds have a size of Twin, Queen etc. And THEN the covers price should change when a different size bed is selected.
    – petergus
    Commented May 3, 2013 at 8:12

1 Answer 1


I figured this out by using taxonomy terms (categories in commerce kickstart), and then yes, indeed, make a product for each combination. (ive heard bulk product creation can do this, and incase you are dealing with a customer input size (how many inches long do you want it), then check out custom line items and Pricing rules.

Thread on drupal commerce > http://www.drupalcommerce.org/questions/7894/adjust-variation-price-based-next-variation#comment-7566

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