I'm building a module that gets the value of a custom field based on a timestamp that a user clicked on it in the past.
To not make it too specific and complex I simplified my question so other users can use this as well.
Basically I'm selecting from the pop_links_stats ( has the timestamp ), node, node_revision, and field_revision_field_custom tables:
$query2 = db_select('pop_links_stats', 'p');
$query2->join('node', 'n', 'n.nid = p.nid');
$query2->join('node_revision', 'nr', 'nr.nid = n.nid');
$query2->join('field_revision_field_custom', 'f', 'nr.vid = f.revision_id');
I already have the $nid so I set the condition to that $nid
$query2->condition('n.nid', $node->nid);
grouping by so it will only select one 'click' per day, per node, per ip ( added the following for the completeness. I need this but it is somewhat unrelated to my question so ignore the groupBy if this is not causing any problems. )
selecting the fields I need ( for now just the revision id) :
$query2->fields('nr', array('vid'));
So my guess is to join the node_revision table and selecting the max vid where nr.timestamp <= p.timestamp and n.nid = nr.nid
OR 'selecting' the max nr.timestamp where nr.timestamp <= p.timestamp
But I'm having trouble implementing that in the drupal DB API
Here's a query I've used in mySQL which gives me the result I want:
SELECT p.cid, FROM_UNIXTIME(p.timestamp), FROM_UNIXTIME(nrev.timestamp), n.nid, nrev.vid FROM pop_links_stats p
JOIN node n ON n.nid = p.nid
JOIN node_revision nrev ON nrev.vid = (SELECT max(vid) FROM node_revision nr WHERE nr.nid = p.nid AND nr.timestamp <= p.timestamp )
GROUP BY DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(p.timestamp)), p.nid, p.hostname
So what I'm looking for is how to make the join in:
JOIN node_revision nrev ON nrev.vid = (SELECT max(vid) FROM node_revision nr WHERE nr.nid = p.nid AND nr.timestamp <= p.timestamp )