In your site 2 content (Node) migration you probably want to use the prepare() function.
function prepare($entity, stdClass $row)
The Migration class prepare()
method is called by the destination class prepare() method, after it
has called all field-level prepare() methods and immediately before
the destination object is saved. The $entity argument is the
destination object as populated by the initial field mappings and
manipulated by the field-level methods; the $row argument is an object
containing the data after prepareRow() and any callbacks have been
applied. The prepare() method is the last chance to manipulate the
destination object before it is saved to the Drupal database. It is
important to remember that, since it is called after the field
handlers, fields will be in their fully-expanded forms (i.e., in
Drupal 7 a text field value will be at
$entity->field_textual_data['und'][0]['value'] rather than simply
Within your Migration prepare function you want to set the UID
of the content to whoever you want to be the creator of that piece of data.
As an example:
public function prepare($entity, stdClass $row) {
$query = /* Query to figure out UID from site 1, from a UID in site 2 ... for current node NID*/;
$desired_uid = db_query($query);
$entity->uid = $desired_uid;