I am using D7 with Panels and Panels Everywhere enabled and using the Versatile Theme. I have changed the default versatile.css file to have the page-content div be 960px instead of 1020px. All of the regions are % that are created using the Builder Flexible layout since the site is still under development.

Every time I clear the cache the css at -- /sites/default/files/ctools/css/ad57ff1546b4e3e493a0d16eb09e3ad9.css reverts back to 1020px.

Seeing if anyone knows how to keep this from happening?

/* found out what I was doing wrong. 1020 was the default width that was still being used at the General page of Variant even though I changed the default setting in the Panels Mod.*/

1 Answer 1


found out what I was doing wrong. 1020 was the default width that was still being used at the General page of Variant even though I changed the default setting in the Panels Mod.

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