I have created a veiws block which displays all the taxonomy terms of a particular type. This block is in left sidebar . Now what I want is ,"when i click on any of the term all nodes related to it should be shown on the same page in the content area " ( what normally happens is it shows all nodes listing correctly but not on the content area of same page but takes me to next page) . Can someone please help me with this and any good tutorials for views
Are you using only views to show taxonomy term, if so then try enable the ajax.– BalaCommented Sep 15, 2013 at 13:48
i have used taxonomy module– rubyCommented Sep 15, 2013 at 14:10
I got it solved now– rubyCommented Sep 16, 2013 at 4:54
Better post your answer, It will help the future visitors.– BalaCommented Sep 16, 2013 at 5:18
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I got it solved myself! What I did is:
- Create a views page to display all contents having these taxonomy terms. This page has path "views-page".
- Create a block view of those taxonomy terms, now while enabling this block the setting for pages tab is under Show block on specific pages --> select radio of "Only the listed pages" and the values for this should be :
This way when you select a term all related posts appear on the page and taxonomy block is also there.