I am using Views and Views Data Export to create a page of XML data from a specific node type.

The node type has a taxonomy field with unlimited output so that views returns all the selected terms as a comma separated value.

However, I need to output the taxonomy terms as separate XML nodes rather than a comma separated list of one.

So, I currently get this output:

  <categories>Corporate, finance</categories>

I would like to get the following:


The difference being that I have two categories fields instead of one.

Can anyone help, please?

2 Answers 2


In your views panel, if you edit your taxonomy field, one of the options is "Multiple Field Settings", with a checkbox for "Display all values in a single row". If you uncheck this box, you will get multiple rows, however, it doesn't group them into one node. You get the entire node repeated. The setting mentions adding a "group by" to your display, but the data export display doesn't seem to support that.

So I did a search and found this article on drupal.org: https://drupal.org/node/1187712 It looks like there have been a couple of patches created for adding group by functionality. It doesn't look like they've been integrated into the base code, but maybe one of the patches will work for you.


I had success using views_field_view to accomplish this. I set up an attachment display in my view that takes an entity ID (nid) as its contextual filter and outputs just the fields I wanted. Then add a views_field_view field to the original view, and you can output the entirety of the other view as an individual field.

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