I'm using Omega's sub-theme creativpink. I put my site on web for testing purpose. Basically I want to customize page-user-reset page (user-pass-reset is form id). Now I click Request new password link enter my mail id to send password reset link. When I click on that link from my mail it redirects to page-user-reset page and it shows the following information:
Site Name
- Home
Reset password
- This is a one-time login for username and will expire on Fri, 11/01/2013 - 20:41.
- Click on this button to log in to the site and change your password.
- This login can be used only once. Login(button)
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Currently it includes header, breadcrum, content and footer regions. But I want only content region and the user password reset form inside content region. So I would like to write a template file based on this user-pass-reset form. Guide me what I want to do this? Thanks in advance.