I think my question is very simple, but I was searching for long time for a good solution.

How do you integrate in Drupal 7 one views (e.g. page or block) inside or after one single node (e.g. node/10). What is the best solution?

Until now I used the drupal block system to attach one views-block after a single node. But I read, is not a good solution.


  • You can also use panels or context modules to embed views in a page.
    – Cool
    Commented Nov 14, 2013 at 16:50

2 Answers 2


That's the best use case for the Viewfield module. It works providing a custom field, so you can "attach" a view to nodes.

You can provide a default view if you want to display the same view on many nodes.

Or you can provide a custom argument to pass to the view.


enter image description here

In view block, select filter criteria, select title

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