I have a drupal 7 site using Organic Groups, for each group I have list pages - so for instance if i have the group mygroup I have a page which lists all posts - (www.mysite.com/groups/mygroup/posts). This page has a groups audiance field (og_group_ref) which has the correct gid..
I have the list page set up with panes one of which is a view showing all posts with the contextual filter set to GID.
The view works on its own if I pass in the GID of the group I want, however, I cannot get this to cooperate with the list page, probably something to do with the pane, or panels, or a relationship I need to add to the view?
I've tried inserting the view into the pane as a content pane and as a block, but I'm having no joy...
What do I need to do to get this to work?
I have since found this post:
How do you display a pane in an organic group?
this seems to be the answer to what I'm looking to do, however, the settings shown in that post are not available to me. Maybe because panels/views/og have been updated and the settings are a little different now? Either way I still don't have this working. Does anyone have any pointers?