I am trying (and failing) to use the jquery overlay plugin from the jquery_plugin module in Drupal 7.
I am using drupal_add_library()
to add the plugin and drupal_add_js to add the code to generate the overlays.
The overlay trigger elements are area elements within a map.
Whenever I try and trigger the overlays, I get nothing - no errors or stacktraces or alerts, or messages in Firebug.
Here is the code - added directly into the page content.
drupal_add_library('jquery_plugin', 'overlay');
drupal_add_js('function($) {
$(document).ready( function() {
}(jQuery); ','inline');
The map looks as the following:
<map name="globalmap">
<area id="toronto" class="overlayarea" alt="Toronto" coords="94,195,6" shape="circle" rel="#tor_overlay" nohref />
<area id="oxford" class="overlayarea" alt="Oxford" coords="576,147,6" shape="circle" rel="#oxf_overlay" nohref />