I am looking for a way to create a node of a specific content type at the same time as a group is created.

So basically, when a group is created a node of type my-content-type is created at the same time with og_group_ref pre-populated to associate it with the group just created...

I don't think there is a module for this, so... any pointers on to how to code this?

  • Ok, for anyone else trying to do this, its possible with the Drupal Rules module... Drupal never ceases to amaze me..
    – BigJ
    Commented Jan 14, 2014 at 20:38
  • 1
    Could you elaborate on how you can use Rules to answer your question? Just saying that you can make a rule doesn't really help out future users. Thanks.
    – mpdonadio
    Commented Jan 14, 2014 at 22:11

1 Answer 1


Here's the solution:

Obviously you need to download and install Rules, then:

  1. Add an event:

After saving new content of type Group

2 . Add conditions:

Any conditions you want here..

3.Add Actions:

a) Create a new entity

  • Parameter: Entity type: Node, Content type: ContentTypeYouWantToCreate, Title: YourTitle, Author: TheAuthor

  • Provides variables: Created entity (entity_created)

b) Save entity

Parameter: Entity: [entity-created], Force saving immediately: true

c) Add entity to group

Parameter: Entity: [entity-created], Group: [node]

your content type should now be created when you create a new group - it will also be added to the newly created group.


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