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Altering Webform email %value before sending email

I summon your wisdom on this day because I can't figure out how to alter submitted Webform values that are used in email templates. Here's my situation: I have a "contact us" form (set with Webform ...
Djouuuuh's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I block users from registering with disposable email addresses?

I have a site where users send messages to one another using the Private Message module, and they are notified of messages by email. On this site, there are a variety of spammers, scammers, and ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Adding extra fields to Site Contact Form

This seems strangely difficult to me. What I thought would just be a case of adding extra fields a bit like adding fields to Content Types. But no. I can't locate any facility to add say a phone ...
Purplemonkey's user avatar
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How do i generate token for each user who submit my custom form? [closed]

I have a created a custom module with simple form with only three fields (URL, title, and email), where user must enter all the fields for submission. I am able to send the mail to the user from my ...
shrish's user avatar
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How to send email in drupal

I have drupal site in that ,i want to send a email to charities when donor post a donation..,and i want to send a email notification to charities,so how i send email using drupal7 $message = array( ...
wordpresrox's user avatar
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'Change email' form on custom page

I would basically like to display the form/field that is used for changing the user's email address on a custom page with my own layout and things. Ideally, I would like to make it so that if ...
Andy's user avatar
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Send a mail from my custom module after custom form submit by user

I have made a custom form from a custom module. I need to send an email to the admin when user clicks submit. How can I achieve this. Can I use entities here? Say like send mail to [site:mail] or ...
why's user avatar
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2 answers

Pop-Up E-mail subscription ( module) or appearing form?

Is it possible with a certain module or anything of that nature to have a pop with a subscription email-collector inside? I'm on the final touch-ups of the site and have basically got this left and a ...
user34253's user avatar
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Email validation in a custom module

I am using the form API to create forms. How can I validate the email address without needing any separate module? I am just looking for out of the box functionality.
pal4life's user avatar
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Configuring mail function in multistep form submission handler [closed]

I have been working in a multistep customer-survey form and i am unable to configure and send mail after the form is successfully submitted. Here's is code for submit handler, function ...
Lucky's user avatar
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How to Change the Format of the Email Template Sent with Webforms

Ok, so I have a customer that has a ridiculously long form that individuals need to complete to apply for funding, but the email that is getting sent to our customer as well as each individual is not ...
Nicole's user avatar
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How to ajaxify simplenews module?

I have installed and enabled the simplenews module and I have a newsletter subscribtion block in my website frontpage now. I would ajaxify the subscribe's button in that block so I googled many ...
FarhangDarzi's user avatar
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How to hook contact form of drupal 7 for custom styling?

how can I alter my contact form for adding custom classes I am using contact form of Drupal 7 core module.
Amrita's user avatar
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Inline block confirm messages

I have a contact (web)form in my sidebar on my site and I would like to display a custom confirm message when a users submits the form. However, this message should replace the contact form. I've ...
Michiel's user avatar
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How do I send verification mail from my drupal custom module?

I have written a custom module, which can send simple mail. how do I send mail so that user should get the verification link or something similar. <?php /** * implements hooks_menu */ ...
shrish's user avatar
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create contact form block with prepopulated entity references and send email to content author

I am trying to create 3 forms, 2 of them should be made into blocks to show on specific content types. One for anon users and another for logged in users. The other is just a site wide contact form ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Change the e-mail value during user registration ? form_set_value()

I have a custom module (entitled ta_module) : in the user registration form, it hides the e-mail field, and add a custom field where user have to enter what's before @ and then choose his e-mail ...
nyoz's user avatar
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Adding tokens to autoreply message of contact form in Drupal 7

I would like to switch on the core's contact form category function and ad some extra category to my contact form but I was wondering that in auto reply I can't use tokens or acess the field values ...
praad's user avatar
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Contact form node integration

I have content type and I want to add contact button at the bottom of node page, but I've problem so how I can add easy contact form that add node title at the message and When anonymous user goes ...
Penalse's user avatar
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how to add html/ccs element s inside drupal mail function

I am developing function that send a email to user..,and i want to add some html.css styleing to the email how can i achive that folllwing is my code i tried function zgcrons_mail ($key, &$...
wordpresrox's user avatar
2 votes
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Email filter in default admin users/people search form

I would like an additional filter (email-text input) in the drupal7 default admin users/people search form. Is there any module as I can't find one for drupal7? I found that another way is the use of ...
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Hide admin email address in user's from field (Webform)

I am using the Webform module. So far the user can send an email via a form to my admin email. However when I reply to the user my admin email address shows in their 'from' field! - How do I hide ...
TheAdmin's user avatar
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How do I get the fields of form attached with a content type as token?

I do not know is it possible or not. I have a content type for creating tickets. I have a form attached to content type which contains ticket state and ticket assignee fields as drop down. Now I want ...
Iqbal's user avatar
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Personal Contact Forms

What is the best way to get a 'Contact User' form on nodes like an ebay-ish 'Contact Seller' simple form? I tried Contact / Contact Forms module, but I do not want a Sitewide Contact form to be ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Contact Form with drop-down subject (bonus: auto-selected based on GET/POST)

I have a number of services on my site and I want them to all direct to the contact form. Now, this is where it gets tricky- I want the subject to be a dropdown selection of all services provided and, ...
Matt Rowles's user avatar
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Contact form - leaving the form and resuming it later

Is it possible to have a contact form in drupal, which you can save, and resume later?
user12885's user avatar
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how to send muliple emails in drupal in same time

in my site when user submit a dination i want to send email to donor,charity and delivery service at same time(three different emails) in code and i want to kown how can i achieve that,below is the my ...
wordpresrox's user avatar
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Module for form submitting straight to admin section

Can anyone recommend a module for a contact form to submit to the administrator (so the administrator can view/read it)? Users should be able to anonymously submit messages; they should not first ...
Michael Mikhjian's user avatar