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autofill from taxonomy term fields

I'm trying to connect a field of a taxonomy term to a field in a content type, something like this: Auto-Fill from on content type to another I tried this on a node and it's working, but now I have ...
luca's user avatar
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Non-autocomplete Widget for Term Reference Fields on Content Type

The available options at the moment are Autocomplete term widget (tagging), Select list and Check boxes/radio buttons, but I'd like to use a widget without autocomplete. Thanks in advance. EDIT: To ...
Alexander Sandberg's user avatar
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Speed up AJAX loading on manage display page when moving fields among regions

When I'm switching my fields into different regions, it takes at least 20 seconds to make it change. I'm not able to change any other field while I wait. The only work around to this was to disable ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How To Alter Nodequeue or EntityQueue search Autocomplete

I want to use nodequeue or entityqueue in Drupal 7 and want the autocomplete search for a given queue to use a custom field other than the node title. Is there a way to do this without hacking the ...
tenken's user avatar
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Node creation using rules with AJAX?

Im am using rules to create a node entity when the user saves a status from the statuses module. The Status message is copied into the title of the new node and then this title is shown in my view. I'...
Ed Wilson's user avatar
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Ajax wrapper replacement on a field widget form

I'm having ajax-related problem while building my custom compound field. The problem is similar to this post. The field widget consist of a textfield (autocomplete) and markup. They are defined like ...
no more drupal's user avatar
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1 answer

Autocomplete field where title is replaced with NID

I'm using Drupal 7 and I have made autocomplete function to be called on a field. File my_module.module: <?php function my_module_menu() { $items = array(); $items['/...
Marko Basta's user avatar
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Have a child node inherit taxonomy from a parent during /node/add?

In Drupal 7, I have two content types: Parent Events with tags (like "outdoors" or "popular" or "suitable for kids"). "Tags" are taxonomy terms in a vocabulary,...
i-know-nothing's user avatar
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Postal address field does not display in node

In drupal 7, I am using a 'postal address' field, with the widget 'Address autocomplete' for my node. A full address is obtained and saved every time a new node is created. However, it does not ...
Pierre_colin's user avatar
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Invalid datetime format for a field never submitted?

I'm working my the edit page for my mobile app which is fetching data from a Drupal site. I'm fetching data, I'm editing it, and submitting it. However, when submitting back, I'm getting Internal ...
Kartagis's user avatar
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How to show dynamic text on node/add form with Panels (using AJAX)?

I am using Panels. There is an entity reference field (project) on a content type. It shows the title of nodes where the user is the creator using the viewreference module. On the node/add form, is ...
user24957's user avatar
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Pretty Tag display for entityreference (autocomplete)

I'm using entity reference and entity reference autocreate to make entities on the fly if they don't exist. Works like a charm. Now I would like to make a nicer tag display. The standard comma ...
screaming SiLENCE's user avatar
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Create and pre-populate a mutiple value field in field collection on new node with ajax call

This question is in the same area as a previous I asked (How to create (& pre-populate) multiple “field collection” fields on an ajax call), but with the extra level of complexity that I'm trying ...
Dominic Woodman's user avatar
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Ajaxy entity reference views filter by entity reference view

I have two content types that share a taxonomy (Size). On content type A, I have an "entity reference" to content type B in the form of a checkbox widget. What I want: On the node creation form, ...
CCMonkey's user avatar
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Autocomplete does not work on the server

I have a organization text field on the user profile. I wrote a module that uses dbpedia's lookup services to generate an autocomplete list on the field. The code works on my local instance using ...
Jayaram's user avatar
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Taxonomy autocomplete - show results of words starting with letters written

I am having hard time to explain this but this is the case: I have taxonomy with 80000 terms (country/city). When i type for example "N" or "NE" or "NEW" i get results with terms that contain all ...
Azz Kawa's user avatar
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4 answers

How to run jquery codes before and after ajax call?

I want to create a loading code while the ajax call is not yet complete, AND enable my jquery code after calling the ajax of drupal form. The ajax I'm referring to is the "Add new field/Add more" of ...
Danz's user avatar
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