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8 votes
3 answers

Show node IDs along with titles in Entity reference Autocomplete list

I'll like to add this functionality to the autocomplete widget in Entityreference field to show node ID next to the titles in the dropdown list. The reason behind the idea is to differentiate between ...
neemu's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Slow "Add another item" with unlimited valued fields

In Drupal 7, when you have node with field which has unlimited values (let's say, image field), "add another item" response time becomes very slow after you added 10 - 20 items. How do you fight this ...
Timur Kamanin's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Autocomplete textfield widget?

Does anybody know of a Drupal 7 autocomplete widget for textfields? I've tried Autocomplete Widgets, but the "Autocomplete for allowed values list" widget from that doesn't seem to exist in Drupal 7 --...
BenjaminRH's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Correct AJAX practices

I have got content types called 'Online Discussion', henceforth referred to as OD and a content type called 'Online Discussion Reply', henceforth referred to as ODR. Having Entity References (drupal....
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6 votes
2 answers

Selected Checkboxes (taxonomy) populate a new select list with values of selected boxes

* question answered: Help needed with hook_node_submit in custom module to save data * In Drupal 7, I have a custom content type. In this, there is a multi select term reference to select categories ...
tecjam's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I #ajax in multiple elements on a single custom field widget?

I have created a custom field type that has 3 columns – product, color, and quantity. Ideally, the user will only see 1 dropdown from which to pick a product. Picking a product should then load the ...
Charlie Schliesser's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to create (& pre-populate) multiple “field collection” fields on an ajax call

This is an extension of this question - "How to pre-populate multiple "field collection" fields in node form" I'm trying to do the same thing, but I'm trying to get it to work on an ajax ...
Dominic Woodman's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can I run javascript code after an item added or removed from an unlimited value field?

I am trying to add some js functionality to an unlimited value field in Drupal 7, it works on page load, but disappears after adding or removing an item, and I did not find a way to notify my code ...
Nord's user avatar
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2 answers

Ajax on Add another item of field collection

I'm calling an Ajax function in a field collection. But after hitting 'Add another item' button, form looses Ajax effect. I want to bind the Ajax with form event after clicking on 'Add another item' ...
sneha.kamble's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to trigger JavaScript/jQuery on AJAX-enabled ImageField submit?

I'm trying to trigger a JavaScript event when an AJAX-enabled ImageField submit button is clicked. I've tried variations on delegate(), submit(), and click(), but no joy. This is something similar ...
g_thom's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the difference between "Autocomplete" and "Autocomplete (Tags style)" field widget type?

What is the difference between an "autocomplete" and an "autocomplete (Tags style)" widget. These options are present when I add an entity reference field for example.
giorgio79's user avatar
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Custom widget field only saves first letter, disappears on edit

I'm trying to create a custom module for Drupal 7 that makes two widgets available for Text fields. They autocomplete from a database table using #autocomplete_path. The autocomplete works fine and ...
BenjaminRH's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Update values using AJAX in field widget form

Similar questions: Ajax wrapper replacement on a field widget form how to create an AJAX field widget Problem: Get FIELD_NAME and DELTA in AJAX callback function? (See below) What is done: ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

form with taxonomy autocomplete widget throws error upon submit: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

I have a custom form with this field in it: $form['first']['field_city'] = array( '#title' => t('Woonplaats'), '#type' => 'textfield', '#size' => 25, '#autocomplete_path' =&...
FLY's user avatar
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Entity Reference auto complete user name with different field

I'm using the entity reference module to associate users with a particular content type. I'm using the auto-complete widget (tag-style). By default, it uses the user name when auto-completing users. ...
Lester Peabody's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to get a field in a exposed filter criteria as an autocomplete?

In a view the field which has widget autocomplete does not get an option to select as dropdown or autocomplete in exposed filter criteria. I have a field in a content type which has following ...
harshal's user avatar
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How to use entityform and ajax_form_entity in a modal window?

Just getting started with the entityforms module (and it looks sweet!). I want to create a 'contact us' link that displays the form in a modal window, submits and then closes the window. There is ...
doub1ejack's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

An error which appears in Autocomplete taxonomy fields

Did someone ever note this annoying D7 taxonomy error? It jumps out when I seem to "pass" a certain amount of terms or characters. The error is as follows: An AJAX HTTP request terminated ...
Beni aharon's user avatar
2 votes
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Server Configuration causes file uploads to fail

I have a drupal 7 site running on a Redhat shared hosting environment that uses zend php. I am having problems with file upload on content types and webforms that accepts various file types up to ...
nizz0k's user avatar
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Disable ordering in entity reference (user)

I have an entity reference of widget type = autocomplete. It's a collection of users where you can add multiple users. Now I would like to disable the ordering of the users. So you can't order the ...
nielsv's user avatar
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1 answer

displaying fields of selected taxonomy term

I'm trying to create a minimalistic ordering system. No need for a full fledged solution like Commerce or UC in this case. Orders are represented as nodes (or maybe as custom entities using ECK, ...
Dmitry Vyal's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Address field module autofill city and state when zip code is entered

In the United States, cities are split up by a unique 5 digit zip codes (postal code). This postal code in turn tells what city and state it is from. Therefore it is redundant to type the city and ...
Anon Ymous's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can I use Node Reference Field as a Text Field if there are no references?

I'm creating a content type Event. I want to reference the node of another content type Venue, so the user will be able to click to the venue node from the event. To reference the venue on the Event ...
chrisck's user avatar
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1 answer

autofill from taxonomy term fields

I'm trying to connect a field of a taxonomy term to a field in a content type, something like this: Auto-Fill from on content type to another I tried this on a node and it's working, but now I have ...
luca's user avatar
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Non-autocomplete Widget for Term Reference Fields on Content Type

The available options at the moment are Autocomplete term widget (tagging), Select list and Check boxes/radio buttons, but I'd like to use a widget without autocomplete. Thanks in advance. EDIT: To ...
Alexander Sandberg's user avatar
1 vote
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The "Add another item" button doesn't work with field groups

I am working on a site that uses a lot of horizontal field groups. I am having a problem where any fields that sit in a field group and have "unlimited" set for the number of entries is unable to use ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Autocomplete 403s when behind a proxy

I've got a virtualbox VM setup as a proxy server between Drupal to try to replicate a CDN causing errors on a client's machine. My current port is as follows: http://site-name.dd:9999 When I go to ...
Jack Ryan's user avatar
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How to make a node reference field that can also behave as a text field if no reference exists

I'm looking for a flexibly way to allow a user to input a a field, but also to have that field be a node node reference if the the node reference already exists. In other words, lets say I have a ...
user379468's user avatar
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Field Collection module Ajax error

I'm utilizing the Field Collection module to allow me to associate objects of one content type (say, Authors) with another content type (say, Books). When viewing the Edit page for one of my specific ...
Alex Coleman's user avatar
1 vote
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Form is not rebuilding on "Add another item" in unlimited value entity reference field

In a content type I have a field of type 'entity reference', 'auto complete' widget with unlimited values. The whole idea was to give user an option to add referenced node items but only once, Hence ...
Jeet's user avatar
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Use or Extend module functionallity

Recently we started a proyect where we need to implement a webpage that should be able to manage google maps markers and locations, with aditional info on them. However the requirement was to do it as ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Media/file repository - asset autocomplete widget?

Does anyone know of a module which would install an autocomplete widget for file and image fields on admin-side? The purpose of it would be to allow admin/editor to re-use a reference to an already ...
no more drupal's user avatar
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Speed up AJAX loading on manage display page when moving fields among regions

When I'm switching my fields into different regions, it takes at least 20 seconds to make it change. I'm not able to change any other field while I wait. The only work around to this was to disable ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote
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Term Reference Autocomplete field that searches fields besides name

Is there any way to have a term reference autocomplete field search other fields than just the title? In my case I have a organizations vocabulary with the taxonomy name and an acronym. The main ...
UltraBob's user avatar
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How To Alter Nodequeue or EntityQueue search Autocomplete

I want to use nodequeue or entityqueue in Drupal 7 and want the autocomplete search for a given queue to use a custom field other than the node title. Is there a way to do this without hacking the ...
tenken's user avatar
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Facetapi combined filter of city and zip code

I am using address field module with search api and facetapi modules. I want one filter of two fields, city and zip code. Which will be an autocomplete field. I have used the Search API Combined ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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0 answers

Node creation using rules with AJAX?

Im am using rules to create a node entity when the user saves a status from the statuses module. The Status message is copied into the title of the new node and then this title is shown in my view. I'...
Ed Wilson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Entity reference to user doesn't work without 'administer users' permission

EDIT: I have most probably found out the reason thy it works (or doesn't work actually) this way. The problem is that I don't have legitimate access to the user node that is being edited. I only '...
Petrroll's user avatar
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Ajax wrapper replacement on a field widget form

I'm having ajax-related problem while building my custom compound field. The problem is similar to this post. The field widget consist of a textfield (autocomplete) and markup. They are defined like ...
no more drupal's user avatar
0 votes
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How to Compute fields on the fly

I have content type having fields as follows. first second third Sum1 (first + second +third) - computed filed xxxx yyyy zzzz Sum2 (xxxx+yyyy+zzzz) - computed field Grand Total (sum1 + sum2) ...
Krishna Mohan's user avatar
0 votes
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Ajax not working inside hook_field_widget_form()

How to make ajax work inside hook_field_widget_form() /** * Implements hook_field_widget_form(). */ function test_field_widget_form($form, &$form_state, $field, $instance, $...
mks's user avatar
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3 answers

address field hides if country is changed

I have used Address field module for storing user address. Also I have used Customer Profile Type UI for adding customer profile. I have added customer profile field in the user page by adding ...
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Autocomplete entity reference - Required to select entity

I'm having problems with a required field that is an entity reference. This is my case: I have a content type advertisement that has an entity reference product, what is an autocomplete widget. The ...
nielsv's user avatar
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Using ajax in my entityform

I have a content type called Area and another content type called apartment that has a reference to area. I have an Investment form (using entityform module) in which users select which area; after ...
Majid Abdolhosseini's user avatar
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Auto Increment value for field collection

I have a field collection group to which I am importing values using Field Collection Feeds Importer. This requires a unique identifier field within the field collection. This has posed an issue where ...
pal4life's user avatar
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How to create a quote request form?

I'm building a Drupal site that uses nodes to display a number of high value products. There are no e-commerce features due to the high value of the products being offered for sale, but the client ...
JamiePatt's user avatar
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Entity Reference - Not required to be in database

I have a content type Proposal with a entity reference field Proposed by. This is an autocomplete field that targets Users in the application. You can give in multiple users that are in the ...
nielsv's user avatar
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ON/OFF toggle as a custom view field

I have a table view output of node data. The node type has a list field called status. Status is set to accept a single value. It has the following option to select from: Inactive Active Submitted ...
sisko's user avatar
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How to implement a multiple (AJAX) field collection with the FAPI

Background: I have a field colleciton containing two fields. This field collection is attached to a profile entity and its number set to unlimited. I am currently retrieving this field from the ...
B2F's user avatar
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Best way to deal with long list

I've an entity called "guy" with a field "location" and i've 9-10.000 location that i want to reference. I must use a simple list (1|bla, 2|blabla) or an entity reference field that target the ...
user11743's user avatar