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2 votes
1 answer

How should I use a field in views?

I have a CCK field that I want to use in a view. How can I do it?
AmirHossein's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Image upload & gallery

Is there a way to limit the number of imagefield fields present in a node? I am using iTweak Upload, which allows to upload an unlimited number of images, but I need something that can limit the ...
amirash's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

cck Nodereference for files

I am trying to create a node that has a single file attachment (using CCK filefield), and be able to reference that file by other nodes (possibly more than one node). The application is such that ...
Tim 's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How do I edit a complex entity via dynamically loaded AJAX-forms?

I have a "profile" entity with a field "education" (to get started). That field contains various input fields that describe the "education". At the moment I have "institution" and "year". I created ...
Thomas Schuster's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Entities in Drupal 7

What are Drupal Entities in Drupal 7? I understand that Drupal Commerce built Products as an Entity. I know now there is a core Entity API and an contrib add on for Entity API. I have a few projects ...
Kevin's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to create a view to display a block of referenced nodes?

I have a node type, called "policy", that has a bunch of CCK fields, including a Node Reference type. This is configured to reference an unlimited number of nodes. When the nodes are viewed, the ...
Tim 's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Entity API and Contrib Modules

When using the Entity API, is it fairly simple to interact with Taxonomy, Path/Pathauto, XML Sitemap, and Views? If so, what parts of the API should I be looking at?
Kevin's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Customising the first item in a view

As a block on my homepage I'm trying to output: <ul> <li><a><img><p>Node 1</p></a></li> <li><a>Node 2</a></li> <li>&...
Daniel Nitsche's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Limit Teaser to display only the first value of a Field

I have a Content Type with an Image Field. This field will typically be populated with 0 to 4 values. By default the teaser for this Content Type outputs all 0 to 4 images. How can I adjust the Teaser ...
Greg's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

CCK Field with two values?

Is there a way to have a CCK Field have two values for one input? For example, a field called 'Sodium' and two values, '190mg' and '8%'- first being the amount, second being % of daily value. If not,...
Kevin's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Does it make sense to develop a fantasy sports management system by creating or extending entities?

I am considering building a fantasy sports management system with Drupal. The system will need content, so that's taken care of with the standard Drupal system. However, does it make sense (or even ...
Randy Burgess's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Customising field container

I've created a cck field formatter. The field outputs uploads from filefield into embedded iframes that link to google docs for display. It currently outputs: <div class="field field-type-...
digital's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

How might I create a "step-by-step process" content type?

I'm thinking about creating a process manual for an intranet. Most (all?) of the processes have a very clear order, although the actual order may change from time to time. The plan is to have the ...
epersonae's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Field API versus custom code

If I need to add custom fields only to user profiles, is it better to create a module that uses the field API, or a module that uses its own code to show the custom fields at a custom URL and to save ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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