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3 votes
3 answers

display a taxonomy terms as autocomplete using form API [closed]

I am writing my own module. I want to display a taxonomy terms as a autocomplete field in my form using form API. How can I do that? I am using Drupal7.
hd.'s user avatar
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How to add taxonomy term reference field in a custom drupal form

A menu item is defined with drupal_get_form as callback function and returning the form from call back function. How can I add taxonomy_term_reference field to this form? $items['files/add'] = array( ...
Srihitha Narra's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Term reference field lists the terms for all the languages

What I meant is that I have the i18n module installed and configured for content and taxonomies, this is what I need I have a taxonomy called "Colors" I have translated all the terms of this taxonomy ...
svelandiag's user avatar
1 vote
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Alter taxonomy autocomplete value

I need to alter the element value of a taxonomy autocomplete field before it is processed and can't seem to find a way of doing so. taxonomy autocomplete fields have an element validator attached, ...
cjoy's user avatar
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How do I set up user's "Favorite Tags" and "Ignored Tags" tag subscriptions?

This website shows user-specific "Favorite Tags" and "Ignored Tags" listing tags the user subscribed to. Based on these subscription lists, content is being sorted in "views". How do I let the users ...
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