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How let users to delete their own comments

i have installed Comment Delete module to change permissions for the user to delete their own comments. If i click the delete link it throws this error. You are not authorized to access this page.
udhaya kumar UK's user avatar
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How to give access to view all unpublished comment for any role?

I have a one role forum admin. This role manage the all comment published/unpublished. To manage I have created the comment view and listed all published or unpublished comment. My issue is when ...
Ankit Gupta's user avatar
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Is there a way to provide the login provision for anonymous user when anonymous commenting is enabled?

I have enabled provision for Anonymous commenting. But it provides the only option of Your Name Email Address Homepage What I would like is, above this, there should be a provision of Login. Hence ...
CodeNext's user avatar
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Comment Field, 'Your Name,' Will Not Accept Un-Registered Names

We want anonymous users to be able to leave comments with their names. However, even though I've set anonymous commenting on the appropriate content type to 'Anonymous posters must leave their contact ...
Travis's user avatar
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How can I send an email to the previous comment author when a user places a new comment?

I want to get the Email address of last comment's author. Actually, I want to send email by creating a rule when new comment posted and this email will go to the user who commented on node before ...
Iqbal's user avatar
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Custom comment access

I need to prevent users from posting comments based on some conditions but I can't find any hooks I can implement. For nodes we have hook_node_access() but apparently there is no hook_comment_access()...
Marius Ilie's user avatar
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Permission to Reply to Comments

How to allow posting replies to comments to certain user roles only? The goal is to allow users to post comments but not reply to them and have only certain roles able to post replies. Initially I ...
oksana-c's user avatar
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Comment permission by role and content type [closed]

I have different roles (e.g. A, B, C) and I have different contents in a menu (e.g. A, B, C). I want that only the user A can post/edit comments on content A, and not on B and C. So I don't know ...
tobias boddez's user avatar
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Bypass comment validation for SOME anonymous users, based on the provided email address?

In the case of a low traffic blog (for instance), that only accepts anonymous comments (no user registration) and manually validates them before publishing them, would it be possible to have a sort of ...
s427's user avatar
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How to give access to delete his own comments

I am using Drupal 7 and want user should be able to delete his own comment. I know that is it not supported by drupal 7 due to threading. You can provide edit permission from "admin/people/...
Suresh Kamrushi's user avatar
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add user profiles fields into comment fields

I'd like when a user comments, to display his information. Let's assume I do have in my user profile 2 fields, Job title and Biography. When a user comments, I would like to get those 2 fields and ...
GwenM's user avatar
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Comment with email or social networks [closed]

I am developing my personal site in drupal 7. Actually i am searching for a module which allows anonymous users commenting with their email or any social n/w like twitter,facebook or google+. Is there ...
Krishna Kanth's user avatar
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Allow comments on profile pages [duplicate]

What are the ways to allow comments on user profile pages in Drupal 7? There is a profile content module, which unfortunately is not available for Drupal 7.
Rana Prathap's user avatar
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Access $user object on comments

I use the following snippet in template.php to access user profile fields on comment.tpl.php. $persianName works fine when the user is administrator, and returns nothing for the anonymous users. ...
Reza Shadman's user avatar
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5 answers

How to show "Log in or register to post comments" message when no comments on content?

The "Log in or register to post comments" message does not display when there are no comments on a piece of content. However, it does show when there is at least one comment. Looking in the comment ...
therobyouknow's user avatar
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Batch removal of users and comments without causing excess load on server

I have a basic shared hosting account and don't want/plan to upgrade anytime soon. Unfortunately, my site has been subjected to large scale attacks by spambots that have lead to the generation of ...
bcosynot's user avatar
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Showing user image for custom comments created in a view

I am using a Drupal view for displaying comments. I have the show: in the format field set to comments. Therefore I won't be able to add extra fields in the field's section. I have a custom URL ...
kiran's user avatar
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Mention/Reply to users in comments using @ (@name)

I am looking for a feature that makes it possible to reply to comments, or mention users in a comment using the @ symbol. So, if I was to write the following in a comment on a node: @Michael ...
Alexander Sandberg's user avatar
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Checking whether or not an unpublished comment exists on node for current user

I'd like to be able to let a user know that their comment has been submitted and is awaiting approval on every view of that particular node, not just a notification printed in the message region ...
cdmo's user avatar
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D7 multi-role comment permission per content type - how-to?

I'd like to extend (...or create) a content type/node that allows: commenting by two or more roles though one role's members can not see the other roles' comments/replies as well as one role that is ...
esdaniel's user avatar
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4 answers

drupal 7 comment moderation modules

I am looking for modules that can extend drupal 7 comment admin. For example, I want to be able to set different statues for comments, like Approved, pending, spam and unapproved. And maybe comment ...
Funky Dude's user avatar
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Post comment permission by content type and role

I want to only allow users of a specific role to be able to comment on a specific content type. The only current solution for this is using the "Comment Permissions" module which unfortunately is only ...
grimurd's user avatar
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Create a view to show comments on a user ONLY from that user

Am using comment as reviews for a content type. Now am trying to create a block in views that will appear on the user profile page. I want to show ONLY comments (reviews) that are from the specific ...
Digital fire's user avatar
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Comments on users? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do enable comments for user profile? What is a good way to allow commenting on users in Drupal 7? I am not keen on making a node per user like in D6.
user avatar
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How to programmatically disallow some users to comment on some nodes?

I've been asked to implement the following: I have a content type with a user reference field from the References module; a user creates a node and references another user using that field; only that ...
Morpheu5's user avatar
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Show only comments from users with the same role

I am currently analyzing a project and am encountering the following situation, where I'd like to know your point of view. For a specific content type we would like to allow users to place comments, ...
Pieter Van Leuven's user avatar
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Comment styling dependent on author's user roles

I want to style comments differently depending of the author's user roles. How can i add a specific class attribute in the comment template if the author of the comment has a certain role?
Alp's user avatar
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How to restrict each user to making only 1 comment per node?

Does anybody know if there is any way I can restrict each site user to making only one comment per node on my Drupal 7 site? I haven't found anything yet. I've just tried a complicated setup with ...
BenjaminRH's user avatar
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10 answers

How do I enable comments for user profiles?

With users being entities in D7 I assumed the user type would would have built in "comment" option. That doesn't seem to be the case. I just want to allow users to leave comments on the user profile ...
uwe's user avatar
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