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Can I add php code on title of a link?

I have this problem: I created three content types. Actor, author and musician. An user can modify own actor, author and musician profile, if his role is one of these. A user can have more than one ...
Germano Carella's user avatar
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Show filtered list of links based on user profile?

My end goal is to provide users access to digital files they have purchased. This is for a magazine, so there's 1 per month, with an archive going back for years. I have been able to import user ...
Amberdine's user avatar
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Issue with menu and user token

I'm having problems with some links that have a user token in it. For ex. I have a link like this: user/[current-user:uid]/edit. But when I check this in the browser as a user I just see Edit ...
nielsv's user avatar
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Admin language module

I'm currently building websites with the Administration Language Module. For the first time, the admin language is different than the default language but it doesn't work. For example, my default ...
Vincent Kraus's user avatar
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How can i change RealName / User account link destination?

I'm using RealName module in D7 to show real names on nodes and in comments and would like to link the real name [user:first-name] [user:last-name] to a custom content type (a 'profile' page), instead ...
olisb's user avatar
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