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1 answer

How can I implement 3-way relationship (reference) between entities?

I have 3 entities: A,B — node types, C — user. Node A has 2 reference fields, one to B and one to C. What I need is to show in a view all B nodes for a certain C, which has a relation A-B=A-C
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Checking whether or not an unpublished comment exists on node for current user

I'd like to be able to let a user know that their comment has been submitted and is awaiting approval on every view of that particular node, not just a notification printed in the message region ...
cdmo's user avatar
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Allowing role permissions to a content type based on the date

I'd like to allow a certain role can add new content of a certain content-type ONLY between two dates. Before or after these dates the role shouldn't be able to create a new content of this content-...
user709's user avatar
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Flags, Entity reference, users and content upload

I am using the entity reference module and flags to achieve a certain use case. Let me elaborate. In my site, there are nodes of type "TASK". They have a flag on them "Take Task". Now a logged in user ...
user145078's user avatar
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Restrict Users from viewing frontpage

When user enter http://localhost/node then the user will be able to view all the nodes created in the site till date. In the site there are some content type which are viewable to all users on site ...
simple user's user avatar
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Views not rendering domain-content

I have a strange thing going on here. I've a complex setup with Domain Access and Smartqueue Domain. I also have a view which filters the content to be shown depending on the Nodequeue status: It ...
Michiel's user avatar
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When viewing a user, display their content profile

When I go to /user/uid I want it to go to /content/content-profileID by default. This is a node typer that is used by content profile. How can I go about doing this?
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Different way for users to add content on pages

On my website each user can only edit the existing main content via the 'edit' button on the page. I don't want each user to see what was added previously on the page like it happens on my website: ...
testing1's user avatar
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D7 multi-role comment permission per content type - how-to?

I'd like to extend (...or create) a content type/node that allows: commenting by two or more roles though one role's members can not see the other roles' comments/replies as well as one role that is ...
esdaniel's user avatar
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Creating a user reference field based on a similar field on a referenced node

I have 2 content types (project and issue), you can think of this as an OG style set up, the child nodes reference the parent node via a node reference field called "project" on the issue node type. ...
Trey's user avatar
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Can NOT Disable/Enable/Add/Edit any component of the site

My drupal site is acting strange. I can NOT add/disable/enable/edit any components of the site. I can't add new content types, content fields, disable/Enable modules. I just removed a module from ...
studioland77's user avatar
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how to read all the nodes and its fields and display like table?

how to read all the nodes and its fields and display like table? I have node/content caled TravelInvoice Invoice Number Invoice Date Student Number Months Paid (List Field) - Apr to March some ...
Satheesh Kammath R's user avatar
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Associating Nodes with Anonymous User

I created a new content type which anonymous users are allowed to create. However, they can only do so if they are authenticated into Facebook. What is a good way of associating the particular node ...
hanleyhansen's user avatar
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Creating a form where users can edit their own submissions

I'm beginning with Drupal. I've got to set up a multistep form which allows users to add content. I want them to be able to edit their own submissions too. I began to code a custom module in drupal/...
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How do I set permission for a custom page to be based on node access?

I have added pages using hook_menu like so: function dynamic_entries_menu() { $items = array(); $items['entries/get'] = array( 'title' => 'Dynamic Entries', 'page ...
Ali Gangji's user avatar
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Is this possible to allow creating nodes only for Administrator via interface but for others in custom code?

As author of my content type I can choose any user (current user, even anonymous). Nodes will created programmatically, so: $node->uid = $current_user->uid; However I want to allow access to node/...
Codium's user avatar
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Contents, Flags, Users and Node views

I am in the process of making a social networking web site with Drupal7. Most of the tasks are done. However, i am stuck at this issue big time. I have created custom content type, Challenge. Using ...
why's user avatar
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One menu, many levels, few editors

How can I have 1 menu (site map), hierarchical structure like: Dept 1 Abc Def Ghi Dept 4 AAA BBB ffe ffg ffx CCC With possibility to delegate editing permission of subtrees to some users? I.e. :...
wtk's user avatar
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How do I link fields of a 'user content type' to the actual logged in user?

I'm using the User Content Type module (Drupal 7) in order to store some fields for each user, such as "zip code." Now, in this node_edit page, I made a variant for a Catalog node, for a specific ...
arantas's user avatar
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Are there existing modules to group nodes and give sequential access to them in Drupal 7

I want to be able to select a set of nodes, put those in a specific order (or make them dependent on each other) and give a group of users access to the set. However, I want the nodes to be read ...
Whiskey's user avatar
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How to set permissions of creating content only for referenced users

I have 2 content types: Courses and Documents. In Documents there is a node reference field which connects it to Courses (actually with a Node Reference URL Widget). In Courses there is a user ...
StG's user avatar
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Drupal 7 and CKEditor edit via js

I used ckeditor without Drupal. There I can call this to configure it in js file: CKEDITOR.replace( 'myEditor', { stylesSet: [ { name: 'header', element: 'p', attributes: { class : '...
Dawe's user avatar
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Page refreshes and content is not created

I have a website in Drupal and I restored site using drush from the backup files of the site. After restoring the site, I can't create content and even I can't do a cache clear through the admin ...
IotaSpencer's user avatar
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How to have one node's access dependent on another node's access?

I've got two content types. One we'll call "company"; the other, we'll call "project". Companies can have projects, managed by a field in the project. Companies and projects can also have fields ...
Jim Miller's user avatar
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Enable/ Disable elements under 'edit' depending on role [duplicate]

I want some users to have access to certain items under the 'edit' tab but hide others... I know you can allow a role to 'edit' or not 'edit' a published node content type but that enables and ...
testing1's user avatar
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Creating separate list of a custom content type for every user

I have a custom content type named Movie. Every user must have 2 lists of movies :- 1) Seen Movies 2) Unseen Movies For this purpose a ADD button (or 2 buttons - 1. add to seen, and 2. add to ...
Azad Salam's user avatar
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Render a content based on access permission

I have two content_types,Type_A and Type_B. I have referenced one field in Type_B to Type_A by using entity reference type. But when the particular Type_A node is not published,then also anonymous ...
Suraj's user avatar
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Is it possible to reference a field to a node, and also to a user?

My question: Is it possible to reference a field to a node, and also to a user? I want to keep track of scores scored by users while playing a boardgame. So, I'll need a reference between nodes (...
screaming SiLENCE's user avatar
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Branched user permissions for editing content types

What is the best way to implement the user permissions (in brackets) in following pattern with Content Types as follows: Parent (editable by owner & tagged parent-editors) Name Description ... ...
dav_i's user avatar
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Is there a way to not show some fields of a content type on the add form?

I have a content type "Print" with several fields. Some fields need to be filled out by users and thus, should be hidden from the anonymous users who create content of type "Print." Is there an easy ...
Mike's user avatar
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Limit access to subsite

I googled for it but couldn't find anything about that. Is it possible to create drupal website ( with subsites ( and where access to them are ...
ahaw's user avatar
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Easy Way to change all instances of 'Content Types' in admin to a different phrase

For a project I am working every Content Type available to a user is a 'Survey'. The terminology 'Content Type' confuses the users. I was wondering if there was a simple way to change all menu ...
dm03514's user avatar
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Holistic Design Critique for a Volunteer Matching Service

I'm a new Drupal developer, and I made an initial implementation of a project, but some of the things that I'm doing probably aren't the best solutions, so I was hoping to get some critiques of my ...
Sam King's user avatar
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Problem with Node module on website

Please bear with me on this one, as I am a complete newbie with Drupal, and am helping out a client on this one, so am trying to relay the problem they are having. It appears that they are having ...
jimbo's user avatar
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content access module settings

I can use "content access module" to make the nodes un accessable to other users. but the issue is i have is the number of users in this is more than 2000 and applying content access manually is a ...
Manu kumar's user avatar
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Weird node edit issue

Having spent 2 days coding my own content access module, I've managed to grant along with Organic Groups the intended set of permissions to my users. Thing is, that authenticated users who now have ...
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Content type with buttons such as "I'm going here" and "I have been here" [closed]

Is there a way to have a content type for a location (I've already set up the map part) so users can click a link and say whether they've been there or not and it will show on their profile as 'places ...
Theo's user avatar
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How do I coordinate versioned signature blocks with an article?

I have users who write articles and need to show the appropriate bio content when viewing their published page. I could add the signature field to their user account, however, I need this info to be ...
Warpstone's user avatar
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